Pawprint Designs - handmade wedding stationery
View the handmade wedding stationery design ranges
Example wording for your wedding invites
place settings, favour boxes and guest books
Table plans to match your wedding invitations
Read client comments about their stationery
See prices and samples for the handmade stationery
Contact me
You are here: Home > Wedding information > Suggest a site

In the interest of providing my visitors with a useful service, I am happy to set up a link to your site from my ‘Links’ page, provided your site is wedding-related, fully-functioning and your service is not competitive with mine.

Please first add a link to my site on your page, using either the banner image or text below. Then email to let me know the link is there and with instructions on the link you would like from my site.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Banner image:

Code to include on your site:

<a href="http: //" target="_blank" border="0" alt="Pawprint Designs Handmade Wedding Stationery"><img src="http: //" width="449" height="58"></a>

Text link:

Beautiful handmade wedding stationery, with a wide choice of designs or a completely bespoke service.

Code to include on your site:

<p><a href="http: //"><strong>Pawprint Designs Handmade Wedding Stationery</strong></a><br>Beautiful handmade wedding stationery, with a wide choice of designs or a completely bespoke service.<br><strong></strong></p>

Kate Everett, 6 Ashcombe Crescent, Witney, nr. Oxford, OX28 6GL |  tel: 01993 703735 |  email: 

Kate Everett, 6 Ashcombe Crescent, Witney, OX28 6GL   |    tel: 01993 703735   |    email:                                     useful info
